Tourist Maps: Why Your Business Needs One

Do you understand how the tourist maps Can they transform the tourist experience and boost your business?

Stay tuned for this article and we will tell you what you need to know about it.

Tourist Maps: Why Your Business Needs One

Conventional Maps or Tourist Maps? 

When planning a trip to an unknown destination, it is natural for tourists to look for tools that facilitate their navigation and provide an enriching experience.

However, conventional maps often cannot meet these demands. Leaving a lot to be desired in terms of usability and detailed information.

Printed or digital, static maps, for example, can be difficult to read and interpret, especially in large, complex cities. 

Furthermore, they do not offer interactive features, such as searching for points of interest or real-time information. This can make it difficult to find specific places, such as restaurants, tourist attractions and hotels, and limit tourists' ability to explore the city efficiently.

In an increasingly digital world, where practicality and agility are valued, conventional maps simply cannot keep up with the expectations of modern tourists.

This is why the adoption of most advanced and interactive tourist maps becomes increasingly important for businesses that want to provide a differentiated experience to their customers.

Advantages of Zapt Tourist Maps

Our tourist maps stand out for their innovative approach and diverse features that elevate the user experience.

One of the main advantages of maps is their interactivity, which allows users to explore the city in a dynamic and engaging way.

Points of Interest and Flexible Searches 

Tourist Maps: Why Your Business Needs One

With ultra interactive tourist maps, tourists can easily navigate through different areas of the city, viewing points of interest, such as restaurants, shops and tourist attractions, in a clear and intuitive way.

Additionally, flexible face-to-face searches allow users to find relevant information easily.

Thus, when searching by text or voice, a carousel of results ordered by proximity is generated. Thus, making the trip planning experience more efficient. 

“Private Waze” on Tourist Maps 

Tourist Maps: Why Your Business Needs One

Another feature of our tourist maps is “Private Waze”. Which offers optimized and real-time routes for tourists. It even helps them avoid traffic jams and reach their destinations faster and safer.

Thus, tourists can view their position on the map, select the desired destination and plot the best route to the location. You can even choose routes using available transport, such as cable cars, bicycles, cable cars and others. 

Universal Accessibility 

Zapt Guide for Visual Impaired People made for North Shopping Fortaleza.

Another important aspect of tourist maps It is its universal accessibility, which ensures that people with visual impairments or reduced mobility can enjoy the tourist experience equally.

Thus avoiding complex paths, with stairs and other risk factors in relation to mobility.

Furthermore, with the option of an audio and video guided tour with Libra interpreters, tourists can learn about the places visited independently, without depending on tour guides.

Another point about the accessibility of our tourist maps is the Zapt Guide for Visual Impaired People. This guarantees a 100% accessible platform capable of guiding visually impaired people with audio description of the environment and obstacle alerts. 

Georeferenced Information

Our tourist maps offer automatic proximity content, which means users receive relevant information about the places around them as they move around the city.

This makes the experience more dynamic and personalized, increasing tourists' engagement with the destination.

Security and Real-Time Support

Another feature of our tourist maps, is the “I need help” option. Which allows users to request assistance in case of questions or problems during the trip.

This provides a feeling of security and tranquility, ensuring a more pleasant and hassle-free tourist experience.

Attractive Features of Tourist Maps for Managers

In addition to the advantages offered to tourists, Zapt tourist maps they also offer attractive features for managers.

Advertise Smartly

One of these features is the proximity marketing and sales. Which allows commercial establishments to promote their products and services in a targeted way to tourists who are close to their stores.

This increases the chances of conversion and generates more sales, in addition to generating other income through paid ads.

Gamification and Engagement

Another interesting feature is gamification with geolocation. Which allows business owners to create interactive and fun experiences for tourists.

Encouraging them to explore different areas of the city and visit partner establishments. This helps increase tourist engagement and promote loyalty.

“Context-Aware” Features

The “context-aware” features of Zapt tourist maps They are designed to offer important georeferenced information, such as the location of where the tourist parked their vehicle and even the best place to order an Uber.

In addition to being able to send satisfaction surveys to collect feedback when a tourist is leaving a certain region/location. Thus collecting “fresher” and more complete information about their experience and opinion.

And it also allows tourists to like and share attractions and services with third parties, indicating their location on the map. This becomes especially relevant for group trips, making planning easier for everyone.

All of these features result in a more personalized and engaging experience, increasing customer satisfaction and strengthening the brand image.

Intuitive Maintenance

Internal Maps: 5 Crucial Questions to Consider Before Implementing

Os tourist maps they also offer a portal for autonomous maintenance. Which allows managers to update and manage their information and maps quickly and easily. No need for advanced technical knowledge.

This ensures that the information provided to tourists is always accurate and up to date.

Multiple Channels

Furthermore, our tourist maps they also offer the same solution across multiple channels.

Which means that business owners can make the map available on their websites, applications, WebApps and social networks, reaching a wider audience and increasing visibility.

In addition to being compatible with all screen formats: computers, tablets, smartphones, TVs and totems. 

Smart and Georeferenced Data 

Internal Mapping: What to Look for When Choosing a Supplier

The data intelligence of tourist maps allows managers to analyze tourist behavior, identify trends and make strategic decisions based on concrete data.

Which can lead to a significant increase in sales, experience and business success.

Embrace the Future of Tourism with Tourist Maps 

In short, the tourist maps They are not just an investment in technology. But rather a powerful tool to improve user experience, boost sales and make your business stand out in the market.

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